
Due to the sale pricing of the TAN Books, we are not accepting returns of the books printed by TAN.

Returns of titles we've printed: If you receive an item that's not what you expected, simply send it back to us in unused condition within 30 days of purchase. We'll refund your purchase price, less a 15% restocking fee and less the original shipping charges. Please call us at 406-452-5452 for a return authorization.

We will not take back Missals or books that have been written in or have a name stamped in them.

Shipping charges will not be refunded unless we are in error or the product is defective.

If an item is damaged in shipping, please retain all packing materials and call us at 406-452-5452 so that we can arrange for a replacement.

If a shipment is returned to us because the address you provided in your order is undeliverable, you will be responsible for the full cost of shipping the order to a corrected address; we will contact you to obtain a correct address and approval for the additional shipping charge. If you choose not to have the order delivered again, we will refund your purchase price, less a 15% restocking fee and the original shipping charges.

If a shipment is returned to us because you refuse delivery for any reason, we will refund your purchase price, less a 15% restocking fee and the shipping charges. We will not attempt to ship your order a second time.

Please contact us if you have a question - we want you to be pleased with our publications and we hope you enjoy your online shopping experience with us. Thank you!

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